Recent Entries

  • Spring Has Come

    It's so nice to get these windows open & let some air in here after being closed up all winter. I haven't spotted any flowers yet but I'm sure I will soon. I look for those kind of things as I love the changing seasons. Seeing a new flower open realy does warm the hart. In the spring a mans fanc...
  • Nothing Special

    It's very early as I write this. 3:22am. I normaly start work at 9 but they said to come in at 5. So I am very tired right now. Big yawn!!Having to put so much lotion on my legs for the hives has gotten them very feeling very soft to the touch. I like that.The weekends here that means 2 1/2 days in ...
  • Well I was going to tease Mere a little but it doesn't look like she cares. No fun in that then. She took all the fun right out of it.Bad Mere
  • Life Goes On

    I'm going back to work today. They want me to take a medical for the next 6 weeks umtill my meds are done. But I can't afford to I only get about half pay on disabilty.I was off last week because of the hives & in that time I never once put on drab clothes. I don't want to now, but I have to.Mer...
  • Well heres something I never thought I'd get to say. "I'm wearing a short skirt because I have to".The back of my calves are coverd in hives. If I touch them they start to itch realy bad. I can't wear pants because of it. So I'm wearing a short skirt. I am a modest girl after all.It's anot...
  • Some Little Things

    Mere has been poking fun at me for over a year now because when she was here for a visit I couldn't find the train station downtown. Well we were talking as she was driving & she took a wrong turn & ended up having to pay a toll. The difference is she says she knew where she was giong or so ...
  • Things That Could Make me Happy

    Finding love would have to be at the top of that list. As I guess it is for most people. But there are a few small things that could bring me momentary happiness.Finding I have a new pair of pantyhose everytime I open the top drawer. A bra that feels so good you want to wear it allday. $$$  Have a y...
  • Something Still Missing

    I have allways thought that once I could dress as much as I wanted at home I would feel happy. And now I can & do. But now it seems there is more that I need.I have waited since I was 8 to do this. It's something I've dreamed of for as long as I can remember. Yet now it doesn't seem to be all I ...
  • To Let You Understand

    Yesterday I was talking aboput how my doctor was trying to back me into a corner. In my blog before that one I was saying I liked my doctor. Different doctors.
  • Doctor Getting Bossy

    I just got a phone call from my doctor telling me I have to start seeing the shrink again or he would stop treatment of my hep-c. Anybody, ever, tries to put me into a corner they take thier lives into thier own hands. I will come out kicking & screeming. I told him ok we're done than & befo...