Recent Entries

  • Just Got Back From Doctors

    No he doesn't think operating is the answer. He did some trimming away of the old stuff & gave me some new type of gause to pack in it every morning. He says it should stimmulate new growth.I like this guy he's the first one that said operating is not the best answer.
  • Feels Good to Talk

    I have been seeing a shrink to help deal with the meds I take. Somehow I got started talking about being TG. Other than you girls here I don't realy have anyone I can talk to. I can't realy begin to say how realy good it feels to open up in person with someone. As beautiful as it was to find all of ...
  • Taking My Life Back

    It seems to me that doctors have been in controle of my life for some time know. Right know they keep changing my meds around & I allways feel sick.At first it was constant sleep & upset stomach. Now I have jitters so bad I can't evan spell my name so that anyone could read it.Before I start...
  • Missed Chances

    When I was in my mid 20's my niece moved into the house next door. She is only 9 months younger than I am. She's also a lesbian. She worked at a bar in Detroit that was a well known gay bar. So I met a lot of her friends. Some CD's that were spending more time as women than as a men. I wanted to be ...
  • Only One Dream

    When I was 7 we were playing in my sisters room the first time I put a skirt on. I had put it on over my clothes we laughed & I took it off. But that put something in my head. I started thinking about how much nice girls clothes were than boys. I thought about it more & more untill I wanted to see w...
  • Back Sooner Than Expected

    When I left here it was because my doctor was pulling me out of work untill May. Having missed so much of last year I didn't have money to get by with this. I'm so deep in dept I'm living check to check. The only bill I could stop was my cable (internet & TV).Over the past 2 months I just kept g...
  • Have to Leave for a Short While

    Having bin sick for as long as I have I've missed a lot of work. I can't pay my cable bill & I don't have a land line. So I'm turning off my internet & cable TV. Hopefully this will just be for a few months. I love you all & will miss you.
  • Test Results

    The doctor call to inform me that I do not have cancer. There is a cist but it is just that a cist. It has no qualities of a cancer. They want me to test every month to keep an eye on it.I am so relieved I can't begin to tell you.This also let me know I can not keep hidden who I am for much longer. ...
  • The New Year

    One of the worst years of my life is over. Sick from beginning to end. Starting off this year with talk of cancer (maybe).Well I laid in bed last night & I've come to a point that I know I don't want to spend the rest of my life as a man. If things don't look good I'm going to put away all of my...
  • Didn't get the test done.

    The doctor didn't send the paper work to the lab so they weren't able to do the test. I spent 18hrs prepping because I'm allergic to the dye they use in the catscan. The real bitch is that I had to take off my new panties & put on mens briefs so as not to be seen.Well I'm in a holding pattern fo...