Recent Entries

  • Allways Fighting

    My meds are giving me depression. So I got meds for that. They want me to see a shrink but the cost was to high. So my insurence waved the deductable & will pay 100%.Which turns out to be a good thing because the doctor called to tell me they found a growth in my liver. Is it cancer, they don't ...
  • Good & Bad News

    I was just talking to the doctor & he says the treatment is working very well. But it is also having some side effects.The feeling of not being able to breath is caused by anemia. My mood swings & constant crying are also a part of the side effects. The feeling that life isn't worth living i...
  • I just woke up feeling like I can't breath. I am, but it feels like I'm not getting any air. Now I'm afraid to lay back down cause as soon as I do the feeling comes back. This is very scary. I wish to god I wasn't so alone.
  • A Difficult Weekend

    My meds have realy kicked my butt this weekend. I feel horrid. I'm cold, I'm hot, I'm shaking like a leaf. Every muscle & joint hurts. 4 & 1/2 more months of this yet to go.I made a comment in Gloria Glover's blog that I felt the same when she said she had lost intrest in this site. Well I h...
  • Thay switched my meds from capsuls to tablets. Supposed to be the same but now I can't sleep. I was so tired at work yesterday they sent me home. The doctor is calling it lite depression. I call it shit. Haven't slept since Mon. I was sleeping 8 to 10 hrs a night. Not anymore. I see the doc tomorrow...
  • The Weekends Over

    Now I have to put on pants again. My meds have kept me in the apartment sleeping pretty much since Friday night. I have been wearing silks since I got home from work on Friday.I Don't Want To Wear Pants!!!But I don't think I can wear a skirt to work this morning.
  • It has been quite a week. At work they said I was going to lose my job if I was just late one time. 2 days later I was caught by a train on my way in & I just made it. I was called into the office & they had a plan so that if something did happen I won't lose my job. My start time was 9:30 i...
  • An Old Softy

    I aws having trouble sleeping lastnight so I got up & turned on the TV. The only thing I could find was the newer version of "The Parent Trap". Kids get to me hard. I bet I lost a gallon of water crying at thier hurt feelings. I hate movies with kids.The plan for yesterday was to have ...
  • Things I Think Of

    The video card in my pc went out. Though I'm still coverd by Dell they make you go through 500 things before they'll ok a new card. Allthough I tried to save everything that mattered I forgot to save my address book. Some of those I lost are girls that are no longer here. These will be hard to get b...
  • Odd Mood

    These new meds are taking a toll thats not so easy to see. For one I have no extra energy. I get up, go to work, come home, & want to just go to bed. At least 3 times I've taken the time to cook a dinner & than don't want to eat more than a few bites.  My mind keep saying the hell with it ab...