Recent Entries

  • Nothing at work has changed. Last Friday they told me to come in at 9:30, than called later to tell me to come in at 6. So Monday & Tuesday I started at 6. Than on Tuesday morning I was called into the office & told I was to come in at 5:30. But just before quiting time I was told to come in...
  • Finely Got My Meds

    Took my first shot yesterday for my Hep-c. I was told the side effects would start with in an hour. But after 3hrs I felt nothing. Then it hit, slowly at first, & came on strong. The chills first, teeth chattering chills. That lasted for about 4hrs. I had the heat up to 80 & sat under a blan...
  • A Fight is Coming

    This may not bother some but it does me.  I was watching TV this 20 something girl was wearing a awsome short red pleated skirt. One I would kill to be able to wear. OK ready for this? She was wearing it over blue jeans.This is a crime against all I believe in. A crime against nature. Against everyt...
  • Ease My Mind

    Since work held up my return I have no money to pay my rent with. I've been very worried about this & I finely got up the courage to call my landlord. He said since I've been here 5yrs & am a good tenit, not to worry about it I can catch up when I do get back to work. That takes a lot off my...
  • Work called they won't let me come back yet. They keep raising the bar as to what is good enough. Right now I just feel like giving up.
  • I bought 2 new loungers from Lane Bryant & a pair of fuzzy slippers. The best part of winter is being able to wear these kind of things at night while I watch TV. (sssoooo comfy).My mouse keeps going out on me, guess I'll buy a new one.As soon as my new meds arrive I'll begin dosing myself for H...
  • Starting to Feel Good Again

    I wasn't sure what if anything this rehab was doing for me. But yesterday I was able to walk longer than I have in a long time. That realy made me feel good. I started checking after that & I'm able to move my back & bend a lot better as well. Not nearly so stiff. This coming Friday I start ...
  • Working My Way Back

    Did my first rehab today. Did some testing first to see where I stood & I could barely do that. Have to restreach my joints before I do any weight training. Funny thing is some work much better than others. This is wierd I have more reach in my left shoulder than I do the right. So you would thi...
  • Getting There

    I was at the docs today. He said I was ready for rehab. Since I've been sitting so much I can't move like I did. I'm so stiff. So this should help me to be able to do my job when I go back in 2 weeks. Yes 2 more weeks. I realy wanted to go back on Monday but he showed me just how not ready I am. So ...
  • Bad Day For Me

    First off I want to say I'm sorry to Anna. I did try to call but sprint still says code invalid. This after having international calling added to my service. When I called sprint I was told to use the operator at a cost of 7.95 per call just to dial out. The lady kept telling me it works better that...