Recent Entries

  • "in Memory of you Auntie"

    Girls  I would  like to  "dedicate" this blog to  someone I  miss  very  much.   I  dedicate this  "in  memory  to  my  Late   Aunt  Carol"     I  have  meny  relitives that&n...
  • Why I come here !

    Along  time ago  when I was  first  starting  out as a  "Cd" I oftan wondered  if there was such a place that had other cross dresses s  like  me. From the beginning  until  know  Ive  had no  support  and Ive  done...
  • The Game that I love

    Ive  been  wanting to write about something I feel  very passsonetly  about and its a subject that  all too  oftan  I come across in the  chat room. From time  to  time   I  have heard  of  others  talk about there favor...
  • How do we do it !

    Well lets See Ive been asked this question about a million times and i thought I would write about it. The question is "How do I and other Canadians" survive our Winters ? First of all it helps beeing born in this climet and beeing able to learn to dress warm. Using commen sence when it...
  • A loosing battle

    Ive  been wanting to  bloog for abit and Ive  ben thinking  alot about  many things.As  many  know i  have alot  on my  mind as  of  late and at  times  its  very  difficult  to  ask one self  where am I g...
  • Dodgeing a bullet 2

    Well  Its  been  sometime since I  last  wrote  a blog  but  here goes  it . Since  the  end  of  July  into  Augest  I ve  been dealling  with a serious  problem  with  my  right  foot...
  • To dodge a bullet

    A few weeks ago  I  had  become  very  sick and  I  had no  idea why  I was  like this  only that  something  had  to  be done about  it. So I  made  the  desision after  not  beeing able  t...
  • "here we go ...Yea again"

    I  know  I  should  be writing about all thoes  happy  moments  that up til  now should  of  been  "Happy".   Well  my  dear sisters I'm sad  to  say  All  is  not well  with  me ....
  • Closer to the heart

    Recently I was hospitalized with  another   Foot  infection I  had spent  2  days  in the  CCU ,because things where  out  of  hand . After getting control again they  transferd  me  to   a wing  of  our&n...
  • From the heart

    Its  been  said  that  when  I  blogg  here  it  comes from the  heart . I do  beleave this is true because  its the only way  I  know  how  to write these  blogs. I try  to  write  my  blogs&nbs...