Recent Entries

  • Then suddenly...

    Okay, so I don't write my blog as often as I should.  I have been very busy though, galavanting around the world being a top tranny fashion model (I wish). Today I've posted some pics from my recent photo shoot in Sydney in a new TrannyPix gallery.  I'm particularly pleased with them as C...
  • Light at the end of the tunnel

    Just thought  I'd break with the tradition of the monthly blog, just this time anyway. Trannyweb, my vocation, is now a two server affair.  In web site terms that makes us big (when you consider that most websites share a server with hundreds of others.  Only the likes of Google and Y...
  • Things could be looking up....

    Writing my blog seems to be very munch a monthly affair.  We are still wrestling a bit with the new payment system although things seem to be setling down there.  Andrew has made countless improvements and it seems to be working okay now. We did have a huge problem with the server.  F...
  • Still banging my head on the same brick wall

    My last bogger posting was ten days ago and today we are no closer to getting out technical problems sorted out that we were then. I'm at the end of my tether with that Canadians (programmers that is).  They still have not installed the new chat room even though it's all paid for (including the...
  • Banging my head on a brick wall

    I sometimes feel as though I am banging my head on a brick wall.  I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the most prolific blogger here and in fact my last update was on April 10th. I've just been looking at it and I'm amazed that I'm still working on the same things as I was then. Mainly it's...
  • Billing, Cover Girls, Blushes & Katie's Shop

    The new billing system is proving to be a real headache.  We just about had it working when Andrew and Eric went off for the Easter break.  Then I discovered that it doesn't work properly and they won't be back at their desks to help until next Tuesday!  Boo-hiss! The Cover Girl...
  • Coming together

    All the new ideas and software we've thought of and bought respectively are starting to come together now.  This site is huge and I don't mind saying that it is very hard work maintaining it. We still have problems with the billing system.  Andrew (Eric's colleague) installed the new recur...
  • TrannyBlogger Help Pages

    Tina B has very kindly written some help pages for the 'My Blog' and 'Post a new Message' pages which have now been put in place. I'll try to add to them as and when I get time.  I don't know what the problem was with the photo upload page but it seems to be working okay now as you can see fro...
  • Test message from Katie

    Here is a test message with a hyperlink to  That works for me! Here's a photo of Britney... She's a babe!
  • White Rabbits !

    Hooray, it's March!  White Rabbits!!! It was a very busy weekend here at TW (yes, I do work seven days a week)! Eric managed to get the new chat room software installed by the time he went homeon Friday.  I spent most of Saturday configuring it.  I also wrote a 'Frequently Asked Quest...