Recent Entries

  • Smart move there, Meredith

    I'm been hiding some information at home about some unpleasantness, hoping I could take care of it first. I might have to come clean.  Lovely.  But maybe it could help solve the situation. This is funny, though - Yesterday I did some laundry. I had to put this sheet in the dryer a little l...
  • Got one more minute here!

    Again, girls, I loved speaking with you. I felt like I was at the party! I toasted one or two glasses to you at home, although I should be laying off the sauce these days.  Especially since I need to find some serious solutions to some serious problems, and fast. Friday I had a great day with m...
  • Got a quick minute here

    I thought I'd write a quick blog before my next class starts.  I didn't sleep well again last night because I'm fretting over finances and not losing the house.  There are solutions to the problem. I just don't want my wife hurt any more.  I'm still dealing with my insecurity issues. ...
  • Here for just a second

    Life is kinda crazy, stressful, you name it, these days.  My computer at home is still screwy, so I'm not around much.  I acted the total fool the other day.  I let my insecurities really get the best of me and I said a lot of REALLY STUPID things.  I feel so bad about it. I hav...
  • Panic to hope to panic again

    Some papers I have been dreading were delivered on Saturday.  Now I have to act extremely fast to save everything. The birthday party went quite well, although we were so glad when all the girls went home the next day! I've been having negative feelings about my main school for a while. One of...
  • Might not be around for a while

    Just got a second here..... Bad to worse to disastrous.  Not unless I do something and quick.  There may be options. My computer at home is still f'g up, so I might not be around much for a few days.
  • A little more calm, except for the f'g election

    George W. is back in.  Great.  F'g great.  I think I'll shoot myself now. I'm a little more calm right now.  I slept better last night, although at one point I did awake in a panic, with my heart racing.  But there are some solutions to the problems.  I can either fret ...
  • Be back soon

    Hi all, My computer at home is - once again - having difficulties, so I've not been around much.  Plus, I'm in an absolute panic these days over finances. I need a solution, and fast.  On top of it all, other than lingerie under the drab, I can't dress!  I've barely slept the last two...
  • Sleep well

    If you haven't read my last blog, there was another surprise for me other than I won't be there for the next semester.  There was another event there, and, OH GOSH, they forgot to tell me. I wrote the Academic Dean about the Spring term, and, oh, they forgot to tell me. I bent over backwards fo...
  • Bad to worse

    Pity party again. The field trip with the ladies the other day went fantastic. I felt I really helped their understanding of history by taking them to that museum. They loved it. But life doesn't like me to be happy very long. Yesterday was okay for a while. My nighttime class had a whopping 50% att...