Recent Entries

  • The Problem With Being Sensual

    I'm a sensual person. I thrive on physical contact and affection. I always have. Being a multiple sexual assault victim has done little to alter my need to touch and to be touched. Yet, I realize that it's something so many people frown upon; people who are who so sensual and in great need of physic...
  • I Know Who I Am

    Every once in awhile, I’ll stumble upon some old drawing of mine and all at once remember every pen stroke, every line, every curve, every thought and every emotion that went into making that drawing.  Sometimes, I forget about the drawing altogether until some triggering event&nbs...
  • Self-Discovery

    I’ve met several people who accept and embrace me as I am, however most people I’ve encountered either in person or online have tried in some fashion or another to sacrifice myself, my ideals and my dreams to be that, which makes them more comfortable, or else, fulfills some selfish need...
  • Fighting Ignorance, One Person at a Time

    I find it both humorous and pathetically sad that people have this idea that when someone is gay, bisexual, pansexual or whatever, that it means that they are automatically attracted to those who have this mindset as though gays, lesbians, bisexuals and pansexuals have no standards. This is literall...
  • Love, As I See It

    I consider myself to be a being of love.  I love people, animals, plants, the universe in which we live, everything.  I am always quick to show or to tell you that I love you and that you are in my heart, that you matter to me and are important.  I believe that one of the most powerfu...
  • Sexual Surrogacy

    I realize that many of you reading this are doing so based solely on the fact that the word 'sex' is in the title.  I also realize that upon reading this sentence, many of you will inevitably scroll beyond this post because this won't provide you with any information regarding my sexual fantasi...
  • Sexual Surrogacy

    I realize that many of you reading this are doing so based solely on the fact that the word 'sex' is in the title.  I also realize that upon reading this sentence, many of you will inevitably scroll beyond this post because this won't provide you with any information regarding my sexual fantasi...
  • Sex Should Be One Of The Best Parts of Life, Not The Worst

    PREFACE: I'm something of a human sexuality buff. As such, much of what I may post or discuss or reveal about myself will reflect my own views, observations and ideals of sex and sexuality. I’m not typically one to rant like I have been lately and I hope that this and the other most recent ...
  • Dysphoria Is: A Truncated Account of Experiences Living Transge

    When you've so few things other than your thoughts, your imagination and your memories, one often finds themselves in reverie of past experiences, analyzing, critiquing and reliving such experiences from a more mature perspective, all the while creating new scenarios and envisioning what might have ...
  • I Am Body Positive

      Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone has a past. Every past leaves an indelible mark on us all. Some marks are more visible; easier to see, like a tattoo on the skin. Others are not quite so apparent; those marks left within the psyche. But, just because you cannot see them with your eye...