Recent Entries

  • another BIG step...

    I am taking yet more big steps today.This is something i've thought long and hard over but i'm going to do it anyway...i've decided to go full-time as maria from today.I have realised just how much happier i am this way.It makes me feel more relaxed and at ease with things.There have been times...
  • what a trip!!

    What a trip i've just had!!! it could not really have gone any better than it did.I did "the bank" and i did'nt get the reaction i had expected.The cashier actually complimented me on how i looked and how i was passing.i literally stood there in a daze,scarcely able to believe what i was hearing...T...
  • my very first "girly" shopping trip.....

    I'm at it again after the BUZZ of my first trip out "en-femme" during the daytime yesterday..i'm havin my very first y shopping trip today...and i am loving it big-time!I am dressed similar to yesterday,the only difference being i have on a pale blue jacket instead of the pink one.I figured that if ...
  • i've finally cracked it!

    At long last,something i have been wanting to do for so long i have finally achieved..going out "en-femme" during the day.I just cannot describe the feelings i'm getting right now.First,i had a parcel to drop off in the post office...that was fun standing in the queue waiting to be served,whilst giv...
  • cleared the air.....

    As some of you know,i've not had it easy in the last few weeks.You can tell by  reading some of my earlier posts.It ended up with me havin a massive row with my mum over me going out"en-femme"...cos some of my family had seen me! I 'm not worried about what they think,but my mum was and she was...
  • happier.....methinks

    I'm feelin a bit happier this morning,cos all my fears about yesterday were unfounded.I went to me mums for dinner....and it was just like a normal day,surprising what with all that's gone on.Got spoiled as usual(surprising when you consider i'd been a right a**hole to her).It's time i started ...
  • it's MY life....

    I'm feelin a little happier today but not much.I have to go round to my mum's for dinnner today,and for the first time ever..i'm not looking forward to it cos of whats gone on over the past few days.I'm not sure what to expect....or how things will go.One thing thats botherin me is that one of my br...
  • screwed up!

    Thats the state of my head this morning,and i'll tell you why.Yesterday for the 5th day running i got out "en-femme"..and i enjoyed every minute of it,going in lots of shops and generally feelin good about myself.Then in the evening i had no end of probs...first my phone packed up in the middle of t...
  • friendship

    Why is is that people who you thought were good friends turn their backs on you,when they find out that you are TG?...i had just such a friend,fine at first but now he`s completely ignoring me as if i was`nt there at all! This really hurts cos we`ve been friends ever since i moved in next door 4 yea...