Recent Entries

  • What's this? Katie blogging? How did that happen?

    With a little over two months to go to Sparkle, I am getting really, really, really excited about our small contribution.  This will be my first Sparkle.  Last year when I should have been there, I was in hospital having just had a heart attack so I am especially happy that I'm still around to go al...
  • Another year on...

    Okay, so I only blog about once a year.  Sorry.  Pressure of work girls.We have recently been working on the look of the blogs and continue to do so.  I hope you like the new look.  There will be more changes (for the better) to the blog pages in the coming days and weeks.Your web mistress is still ...
  • May 2006

    My blog entries seem to get further apart.  Sorry it's been seven months but I'm doing the work of six people right now so I have very little time.Trannyweb has undergone a lot of changes since last October.  We've moved to a new server, had a software upgrade and a slightly new look (that's actuall...
  • Four months on...

    Okay, so I'm not the most prolific blogger.  However, I have been very busy trying to run this community.  It's becoming a more and more demanding job, even with help from my friends.A lot has happened in four months and the site has changed a great deal in that time.  I will try to b...
  • Hello girls, My monthly report is starting to become bi-monthly.  It's all down to time really (or lack of it). A lot has happened since my last entry on March 27th.  We've been accepted into the folds of American Express (still not good enough for PayPal though) and we also added some...
  • My monthly report...

    Sorry I don't get time to post in my blog more often.  It's Easter Sunday and I've been sitting at this computer, answering people's queries, solving their problems, sending emails and working on our new navigation system since 9.30am.  Now it's 10.30 pm and I'm very tired. I'm hoping tha...
  • There are no promblems - only opportunities...

    Times have been very hard recently and they're getting harder.  I'm not a depressive person (honest) and am normally bright and upbeat about most things.  However, I can see from looking at the tone of my blog so far, that I've done nothing but moan and complain. Sorry.  I think it...
  • This Next!

    I'm at the stage now, where I'm almost scared to check my email because every time I do there's another catastrophe waiting for me.   The latest is this.  Our other payment processor (Metacharge) have informed me that because of an administrative mistake, all of the subscriptions taken o...
  • Whatever next?

    When I posted my last blog entry a week ago, I could have no idea that the coming days would bring us to our knees. It took about two and a half years to get our PayPal account and our membership software working in harmony.  Eric and the gang in Canada have spent a huge amount of time on it a...
  • What? Two blog entries in two days?

    Thanks for your comments and ideas girls.  I really don't think that TW should become a sex site for tranny admirers.  I was only thinking of giving them a little more, perhaps in separate area.  Of course that could also mean that we will have more of them hitting on us so maybe it's...