Recent Entries

  • I wandered lonely as a crowd

    Ariane’s biggest local challenge yet: to attend a festival in her home town, where she might actually see people she knows. Would they recognise her? For strategic reasons, I moved my wardrobe off-site a couple of weeks ago. When I say ‘wardrobe’, I mean the suitcase full of Arian...
  • A man and a woman

    Once upon a time, a young man met a young woman. They were in the same college class and got acquainted. They liked each other, but things developed slowly and it was some years before they started thinking about each seriously. One day, the man realised that he loved the woman. They grew closer. H...
  • Identity and dress sense

    Why do some men choose to wear women’s clothing? I can think of three main reasons and one less obvious reason. Only one of these applies to me. Some men choose to wear women’s clothes because they like the clothes themselves. It may be the feel of the fabric and the way it is cut. Thei...
  • The future is female

    In Berlin the first prize for affirming Ariane's female identity went to Patroa Studio. I came across their work by chance in a market stall north of the cathedral. They produce art designs which are printed on cloth. This one says it all for me… The future is female: the belief in full soci...
  • Running in Berlin – Tiergarten

    People say that Berlin is a 24-hour city. That may be true in the centre, but it's not true in the western suburb of Moabit at 6.00am on a Saturday morning. I saw very few people and cars at the start of a slightly extended 10K which included the perimeter of most of the Tiergarten – Berlin's ...
  • Princess of Darkness

    It was over a year ago when the girl inside announced that she wasn't going to live in a cage for ever. The girl broke free and has been slowly taking over my life. Previous posts describe her evolution. We have reached the point where the girl can no longer hide from her family. So on Sunday eveni...
  • Open-minded Keswick

    Three cheers for Laurel Bank Guest House in Keswick! Ariane is going walking in the Lake District in mid-July. For the first time in her life, she will spend the entire holiday as Ariane. Staying in a guest house though means the hosts have to know. So here is my exchange with them: I’m look...
  • Ariane is going public

    I wish this site had more girly members who could see this. It's  been an incredible few days. Today on return from the run I came home and showered and transformed into Ariane.  I didn't do lunch - just some nuts – who needs lunch when you're corseted. Then I went to the Witley du...
  • Alice Holt

    Ariane in boy mode today after a 5K at Alice Holt. Solo run, trying to raise awareness for Palestine. Unfortunately no one sparked. So I have another idea. I'm going to do parkruns for Palestine where hundreds of other runners will see me. I'm going to encourage other RTW WhatsAppers to join me so w...
  • War on Woke 2

    Government thinking moves so fast that it can be hard to keep up. What is the most dangerous threat to the nation of England? Only a few days ago it was Russians discovering the location of government departments by tailing civil servants with rainbow lanyards on their way back from their lunch brea...