Recent Entries

  • WHY?

    WHY? Am I sitting here writing in the early hours when I should be asleep? Why do I still want a cigarette, when I know they will kill me? Why do my efforts at getting fitter end up with getting heavier? Why can’t I express myself artistically? Why can’t I sing, or play something, or dance? Why can’...
  •  My 2007 in BriefWell, it's been a very short one, mainly because it's been so busy. They say moving, divorce and changing jobs are the three most stressful things you can do, and I've done two of those this year.The move was damned hard work, and took all day to get it out of the flat, Kerry and I,...
  • Moving (far too) Swiftly On So I am moving again! And once again, things are not exactly under my control. A little preparation time would have been nice, but as I usually squander such moments thinking about doing instead of actually doing, it would have been wasted on me.          The big dif...
  • It never Rains but it Pours… Some one up there has definitely got it in for me! Every time I think I have got things sorted, something else goes down the proverbial pan.Though I have suspected for a couple of weeks, it was still a shock to arrive home a week ago last Friday to find my erstwhile flat...
  • Dear Diary

    I don’t believe it!   Actually, there are a lot more than one ‘its’ I don’t believe. But the one that started this was the realisation that I’ve not written anything for so long. It’s not as though there has been that much going on to keep me distracted, if you can discount the hours I ...
  • A little break

      Life continues as usual; Up until this week, it has been the well known get up, breakfast, travel, work, travel, tea, play with PC and chat here or on phone, shower and bed. Only to do it all over again the next day. Interspersed with a bit of shopping, bill paying and the odd stroll or cycle down...
  • Who Stole May and June???‘Cos I don’t know where they went. Maybe having a new flatmate, new girlfriend, a short hospital stay (no, not that one yet L) and steadily improving (yes, I do mean getting better and better) family relationships would account for the loss of time. Plus I am seriously think...
  • March Madness, April Flowers   Well, March ended in a most unexpected manner. Cliff was due to leave for Newcastle to see his latest ladyfriend, taking a day off work ‘sick’. I had been expecting him to go up there to live for the previous two weeks, ever since he arrived back with a car she ...
  • Moving Swiftly On Or 'The Tale of the Garlic Sausage' A Warning to travellers   As my friendly and faithful followers of my protracted pursuance of perfection are undoubtedly aware, today I finally had my first visit with a surgeon at Charing Cross. Deciding this time to be well prepared,...
  • Hello again. Well, Cliff and I took the trip to see the dreaded Dr B on Thursday. I'll let Cliff offer his unbiased opinion of the 'interview' first. In his own words, "A complete waste of ****ing time, and a complete waste of both my and the NHS' money. Dr Barrett is a total *ssh*le. What he had ...