Recent Entries

  • Minor cave-in in the Gender Mine

    Well, today I made a mistake. A gender-mistake. It's really not a problem, but it is significant. I identified myself as Wendy on the internet. In retrospect, I realized immediately that I should have used my "legal" name to avoid any possible future complications. What happened ...
  • Gender mining the brain

    Well, today has been a real surprise. Normally I find buried parts of myself after a day or weekend or week alone and en femme when I drop all the day to day "habits". Today I just got up early, baked myself a pizza, gamed a bit on the computer and then went back to my laptop to follow...
  • Female groups and communication

    From the Forums:RISE OF THE VIDEO GAME Level 5 - Discovery Channel - Dec 19, 2007 80% of female characters in MMO's are being played by "males". ***** I'm one of them. And it's not hard to do....just be yourself. I never told anyone I was female. If you don't make a specific stateme...
  • What's wrong with me?

    Something isn't right tonight.  Someone did something that has caused a major disaster in my life.  I should be really angry.   I'm quite upset with the person.  What they did hurt me.  On the phone, however, I was not the one yelling, they were....and I still didn't blow up.   It's not that I feel ...
  • Nobody Cares

    Well, I discovered that my new earring is highly visible. It moves and catches the light sending flashing red beams out in all directions. Despite this, nobody has commented on it, although I have gotten some glances off to the left side of my head. Nobody cares, really, but it sure makes me fe...
  • Sometimes little things are big things.

    Fourteen months ago, I got my ears pierced. It was a major emotional step for me, both in what I gave and what I received from the act. I have never regretted it. It has only been a positive experience. To this day, not a soul has commented on my earrings....not one. I was a little disappoi...
  • What a difference a day makes

    It happens every time.I'm still amazed when it happens. I dress and more of Wendy comes out. Not just the parts that I "put away" when I go back to living my drab life. New bits that I have never seen/felt before. Sometimes it's dramatic. Sometimes it's an expansion of something th...
  • My friend's happiness eludes her; I feel her pain...and a new fear.

    This is a forum post that I wanted to save as a blog as well.  I need to remember this day, this feeling.****************************************As usual, something else, in this case the "Letter to yourself at 17" thread, has broken loose part of myself that was "stuck".My frien...
  • What makes me the way I am? Pt II

    3. The brain modifies our behavior with pain and pleasure.I spent almost 10 years with almost daily severe headaches. Why? Because they treated my headaches initially with Codeine. My brain got to liking codeine. It liked it so much that, after a while, it gave me headaches to get me to take ...
  • What makes me the way I am?

    Sunday, 11 March 2007I'm the kind of person who thrives on cognitive input. I want to know "Why is the sky blue?" If I can't know, I look at possibilities. This weekend I had three days alone, broken up by a migraine headache. Some interesting thoughts passed through my head. I hope...